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Lisa T. Su Building

Lisa T. Su Building

Combining the most advanced fabrication tools and processes into a 210,000 square foot laboratory research facility, Lisa T. Su Building houses clean rooms for microscale and nanoscale research as well as high-bay imaging laboratories for vibration-sensitive imaging...
Rubenstein Arts Center

Rubenstein Arts Center

The Rubenstein Arts Center, dubbed “The Ruby,” reinvents the role of the arts within the university, extending Duke University’s culture of interdisciplinary study in science, engineering and medicine to the arts. Twelve flexible studio modules are tightly arranged...
White Brick Buildings

White Brick Buildings

LeMessurier has been consulting with Northeastern University by surveying the enclosures of their White Brick Buildings on campus. Of the nineteen total buildings, LeMessurier has completed surveys for twelve and provided design documents for three. Design has...
8 Story Street

8 Story Street

8 Story Street, originally designed by Walter Gropius and The Architect’s Collaborative (TAC) in the late 1960’s, started with a façade investigation by the enclosure team which focused on the original steel window assemblies on the northern elevation. After a...